On Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 3:51:27 AM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

Yes it's possible to have a universal Turing machine in the sense that you 
can run any program by just changing the tape, however ONLY if that tape 
has instructions for changing the set of states  that the machine can be 

It still boggles my mind that matter is Turing-complete. And this despite 
parts of physics being not Turing emulable. We can implement Turing 
Machines with matter, and even with constraints in the physical world, it 
appears to be the basic principle of brains, cells, and computers.

Just for clarity’s sake, we should distinguish the idea of Turing/universal 
machine with some demonstrative physical implementation, like some 
computer, tape machine, or LLM running on my table/in the cloud: By Turing 
machine, I mean a T machine u such that phi_u(x, y) = phi_x(y). We call “u” 
the computer, x is named the program, and y is the data. Of course, (x, y) 
is supposed to be a number (coding the two numbers x and y). And yeah, you 
can specify it with infinite tape, print, read, write heads, and many other 
formalisms that have proven equivalent etc. but the class of functions is 
the same. The set of partially computable functions from N to N with the 
standard definitions and axioms.

There are a lot of posts distinguishing this computer here, that LLM there, 
that brain in my head etc. ostensively, as if we knew what we were talking 
about. If we believe we are Turing emulable at some level of description, 
then we are not able to distinguish between ourselves and our experiences 
when emulated in say Python, which is emulated by Rust, which is emulated 
by Swift, which is emulated by Kotlin, which is emulated by Go, which is 
emulated by Elixir, which is emulated by Julia, which is emulated by 
TypeScript, which is emulated by R, which is emulated by a physical 
universe, itself emulated by arithmetic (e.g. assuming arithmetical realism 
like Russell and Bruno), from “our self” emulated in Rust, emulated by 
Python, emulated by Go, emulated by Swift, emulated by Julia, emulated by 
Elixir, emulated by Kotlin, emulated by R, emulated by TypeScript, emulated 
by arithmetic, emulated by a physical universe… 

That’s the difficulty of defining what a physical instantiation of a 
computation is (See Maudlin and MGA). For if we could distinguish those 
computations, we’d have something funky in consciousness, which would not 
be Turing emulable, falsifying the arithmetical realism type approaches. 
And if you have that, I’d like to know everything about you, your diet, 
reading habits, pets, family, beverages, medicines etc. and whether 
something like gravity is Turing emulable, even if I guess it isn’t. Send 
me that message in private though and don’t publish anything. 

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