
Our web committie (i am not involved) meet and decided there was no need to
go to .net for web at this time, becuase they could do everything they
needed to with out it. "not that great, can do the same stuff myself"

no-tech manager "a" then went to non-tech higher up "b" (my boss's boss) and
said "what! we need to go to .net, as MS says it is the next best thing!"

non-tech higher up "b" (my boss's boss) said to my boss "what is up with
.net and why aren't we going to it? MS is advertizing it all over the place!
we need to get it!"

my boss said - Find OUT what is going on!

I went to technet and MS and now the lists.

Per MS it is a XML web serivce which somehow has servers....MS site was not
clear on how it worked. The Technet article were better on told me that .net
is a programming framework to link web and "traditional" server systems
together to enable better flow of information.

Am I correct in my undertsanding?

Is .net server a true NOS based or is is just web services?

My undertanding is that it is not offically released yet, is that correct?

Is anyone beta testing it? If so what problems have they found with Exchange
and Terminal services? I thought I read from one of my lists that there were
issues with exchange??????

Who is planning on going to it?

Thanks For Your Help.

Elizabeth Thompson
Service and Support Tech
CCBC - Catonsville

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