On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, at 8:00pm, Thompson, Elizabeth wrote:
> Is .net server a true NOS based or is is just web services?

  .NET has at least two meanings:

  In one sense, .NET is just the latest thing Microsoft is using instead of
a version number.  We had Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, and now .NET.  
Likewise Office, SQL Server, Exchange, and so on.  Ho-hum, marketing strikes

  In another sense, .NET is a software environment.  .NET combines a number
of tools and technologies to give developers an application framework to
develop software in, and users to run it in.  Microsoft says it will let you
develop software faster, make it run better, eliminate backwards
compatibility problems, make everything platform independent, and create
world peace.  ;-)  I expect reality to be something less then that.

  The two means of .NET do not necessarily have anything to do with each
other.  Sure, Windows.NET is supposed to be Windows re-implemented on .NET,
but software release schedules being what they are, it would not surprise me
to see that pushed off into the next release.  :)

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