Try this link for some pretty fair information:

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Thompson, Elizabeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 17:00
| To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
| Subject: .net questions
| Situation:
| Our web committie (i am not involved) meet and decided there
| was no need to
| go to .net for web at this time, becuase they could do everything they
| needed to with out it. "not that great, can do the same stuff myself"
| no-tech manager "a" then went to non-tech higher up "b" (my
| boss's boss) and
| said "what! we need to go to .net, as MS says it is the next
| best thing!"
| non-tech higher up "b" (my boss's boss) said to my boss "what
| is up with
| .net and why aren't we going to it? MS is advertizing it all
| over the place!
| we need to get it!"
| my boss said - Find OUT what is going on!
| I went to technet and MS and now the lists.
| Per MS it is a XML web serivce which somehow has
| servers....MS site was not
| clear on how it worked. The Technet article were better on
| told me that .net
| is a programming framework to link web and "traditional"
| server systems
| together to enable better flow of information.
| Am I correct in my undertsanding?
| Is .net server a true NOS based or is is just web services?
| My undertanding is that it is not offically released yet, is
| that correct?
| Is anyone beta testing it? If so what problems have they
| found with Exchange
| and Terminal services? I thought I read from one of my lists
| that there were
| issues with exchange??????
| Who is planning on going to it?
| Thanks For Your Help.
| Elizabeth Thompson
| Service and Support Tech
| CCBC - Catonsville
| List Charter and FAQ at:

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