I think SBS has a good 2 to 3 years for most SMB's, perhaps longer.  90% of my 
clients had never heard of the cloud, understand hosted apps vs in house apps, 
nor do most care.  Its those monthly or quarterly sit downs where we explain 
these things that our clients take any interest other than running their 
businesses.  Its my job to educate them on how their business can use 
technology to complete their business goals either more cost effectively or 
better than the competition.  Some don't care, some do.  For that reason I 
don't think there is going to be this overnight shift to the cloud, it will 
happen but not as fast as the companies out there selling it are making it 
appear.  Heck I have customers that wont upgrade their 2000 server running old 
apps, simply because client doesn't want to pay for upgrades or maintenance.  
Others don't like the idea of their data being out of their hands, some are 
"seasoned" individuals who have always done things one way and don't want to 
change.  Most SMB's do what they do well and stick to it, even when change may 
mean better, healthier, more profitable businesses.  Its human nature, and 
while I would love to switch them, if MY client says No..well then they are 
paying..they get what they want; but not because they don't know the options.

Don't get me wrong, we have a good number of clients interested in virtualizing 
their infrastructure and moving it into a hosted environment or dropping what 
they have when it needs replacement and embracing the next level of tech, but 
because we give them a business value, we offer more service, we manage their 
environment in a way they didn't have before and that gives them a business 
advantage, not because its tech.  ...it has awhile to prove itself before the 
majority just do it because everyone else is.

From: HELP_PC [mailto:g...@enter.it]
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 1:19 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: R: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this week.

Maintenance is backup and eventual DR restore and having also a DC.
I think the future of Small businness will be only member servers for storage.


Da: Matt Moore [mailto:mattmoore...@hotmail.com]
Inviato: sabato 21 agosto 2010 19.08
A: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Oggetto: RE: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this week.
Well most of the quotes I've had from services providers is more in the $20 to 
$25 range for starters.  Even at that price I have dozen clients that have SBS 
on machines leased from Dell with the software on the lease too.  Once they're 
set up, setup correctly, very little maint is needed.  I pop in remotely for a 
½ hour every three months.  If you do a plain jane setup there's nothing to 
manage, it just runs.  Been doing it for years, no problems.

From: Paul Hutchings [mailto:paul.hutchi...@mira.co.uk]
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 10:00 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this week.

I'm not sure it's outrageous tbh, considering with Exchange you have a CAL 
cost, an Antispam cost, an antivirus cost and (the expensive part) the costs of 
having someone take care of it - it's the last part that I expect is the issue 
for a lot of small businesses.

From: Matt Moore [mailto:mattmoore...@hotmail.com]
Sent: 21 August 2010 17:57
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this week.

Wow that's pretty steep for the service they provide.......  $50 a seat, 

From: stephan.b...@bdtechnology.org [mailto:stephan.b...@bdtechnology.org] On 
Behalf Of Stephan Barr
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 9:32 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this week.

Goggle Apps cost $50 per seat, per email address, per year. There are no other 
costs.  For the $50 here's a short list of what you get:

  *   Vanity email address / 
  *   SSL
  *   AntiSpam, AntiVirus
  *   Postini
  *   25GB of storage per email address

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Dave Wade 
<dave.w...@stockport.gov.uk<mailto:dave.w...@stockport.gov.uk>> wrote:

I am a Radio Ham and one of the guys I chat to works in a small (about 25 
staff) organization, and has just upgraded his system to Windows/2008r2 and  
Exchange 2010. When I expressed suprise that he wasn't out sourcing to Google 
apps or some thing of that ilk he said when costed over 4 years it looked very 
expensive, especially given the uncertainty in pricing given we work in 

Dave Wade
0161 474 5456

From: Paul Hutchings
Sent: Fri 20/08/2010 17:13

To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this week.

I've never really seen it as "Google vs. Exchange" tbh, I think both do

different things and suit different needs.

Office with half a dozen people and no real IT need or infrastructure

and I think I'd find it hard to see past Google Apps or Hosted Exchange,

even scaled up to a couple dozen staff and a single server I'm not sure

Exchange would be first choice simply because if nothing else you do

need to back it up and someone needs to ensure that happens.

On the other hand, if you have a few dozen or a few hundred users and

have even a modest investment in things like a SAN or vmware and decent

connectivity and someone with IT knowledge then I'm not sure it's so

easy a decision.

-----Original Message-----

From: Jason Gurtz [mailto:jasongu...@npumail.com<mailto:jasongu...@npumail.com>]

Sent: 20 August 2010 13:23

To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues

Subject: RE: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps this


Would definitely be interested in some details as far as client size,

feature usage (shared calendars, contacts, etc...), and the technical

level of the users.

It seems from past things I've read, the service is better suited to

companies with a greater proportion of more savvy users.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Stephan Barr 
> [mailto:stephanbarr.li...@gmail.com<mailto:stephanbarr.li...@gmail.com>]

> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 19:14

> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues

> Subject: Re: Exchange is history?: Moved two clients to GoogleApps


> week.


> Maybe you haven't used it recently. Groups do not count as email

> addresses and meet the need of distribution lists and shared boxes.


> definitely different cost model. Per each client they will save


> per year.



> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Duncan Turnbull


> wrote:



>       There is a different cost model here, and some limitations but

> various upsides


>       One big issue I see is if you have lots of shared mailboxes e.g.

> for client projects or other reasons then you have to pay for all of

> those as a license, as always it will be horses for courses


>       What about Microsoft Live


>       Cheers Duncan


>       On 20/08/2010, at 9:59 AM, Stephan Barr wrote:



>              Super easy. Customers love it.





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