
That does not sound like anything but either a) memory or b) HDD.  Most likely b.

I just recovered a filesystem where a processor had done a HCF (Halt and catch
fire) and the disk repaired itself beautifully.


Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm posting this again b/c I've been having email difficulties
> and I'm not sure it got through the first time. If it did I apologize.
>     I'm beginning to suspect that there may be a bug in the stock
> mandrake kernel that causes file system corruption. (I installed
> mandrake7.0 almost a week ago now.)
> Eg. I downloaded star office to my home directory and then su'd
> and copy'd the file to the directory I wanted to install it in.
> I untarred it and installed it; had some problems with kde
> integration so figured I'd just reinstall it. ( I was tired ok! )
> However the second time I untarred it I got crc errors. So I copied it
> back from my home dir and untarred it and it worked. However half
> way through the install I got crc errors while extracting files
> (I had previously removed the old install and setup directories
> so there were no preexisting files there).
> So I downloaded it again and it worked fine for about two hours then
> some lib's started getting corrupted and it refused to load, it
> would immediately segfault. So I completely deleted it and the
> install directory and untarred it again and ran it and got crc
> errors. Anyways I ended up downloading it again and
> reinstalling it.
> Then I was tired so I shutdown the computer normally with "shutdown -h
> now" I waited until it was done and went to bed. When I fired up the
> computer today I got alot of errors on the root drive and a nasty fsck.
> If this is fs corruption as a result of a bug in the kernel or something
> else is there a way that I can specifically test this?
> Sheldon.
> --
> ==============================================================================
> Sheldon Lee Wen                   http://members.xoom.com/Lycadican
> "Superstition is a word the ignorant use to describe their ignorance."
>   -- Sifu.
> ==============================================================================

experimentation involving more than 500 trials with an
ordinary slice of bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter
has determined that the probability a random toss will
land sticky side down (SSD) is approximately .98

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