Ivan Trail wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > And what is this long-running modem brand talk?  May we please discuss 
>Linux-related issues?
> > Maybe people are uncomfortable to speak of what they really need for fear of being 
>flamed as
> > newbies,  a practice of =assholes= who stink pretty bad after a while.    (yeah, I 
>said that)
> I agree. I was on the newbie list for about a month and got tired of having
> 80-100 emails to sort through on the subject "installing linux".  The list has
> it's place, and was a great source of help but after I got it installed I
> couldn't get a decent response on a tougher question.  Here I have answered
> most of my problems by reading what other people have asked.
> I am not trying to start another flame, but here is my suggestion to remedy
> this problem:
> Impliment several, more specific, mailing lists.  ie. one for installation
> help, one for driver development, one for people who actually like too much
> caffiene ;^)  You get the point.  I used to ber on atleast four different
> mailing lists from Red Hat at any one time.  the redhat place has probably
> fifteen to twenty different lists to choose from.  So maybe some of you experts
> in a specific area of linux could volunteer to host a mailing list.  I would do
> so but I can't even find actors to help with the scripting language thing, thus
> I am far from an expert.
> just my two cents worth, with NO REFUNDS!

And my 3 cents will make it a Nickel:

These mailing lists have two sorts of people on it.  Group 1
are the newcomers that have legitimate questions to ask.  Not
exacty Newbies, but 'newcomer.'  Group 2 are the rest of the
grouchos that answer them or seek the Truth.

You, sir, probably belong to neither group.  You are looking at
a social place, and want to see ever expanding level of expertise
on this list.  This is not the intent.  The mailing lists have
a place, and it is to help the Mandrake user.  By their very
nature, the people asking are those that do not know the

There is an influx of new people all the time.  It is wrong to
get angry or be dissapointed just because a Newcomer is having
problem with Modems, his WinModem don't work, or his PPP link
won't come up.  We see these questions asked ALL THE TIME, and
they are going to be asked all the time each and every week
from now until Hell Freezes Over.  That is the way it is.
Once the newcomer gets his questions answered, he will move
on or become one of the grouchos answering questions.

To make it plain, I have received VERY LITTLE help from this
list, although I do get a surprise once in a while.   I am
here to answer some questions.  I am an ISP, and what I know
is often of help to some newcomers.  Others on this list
know Perl, or PHP, or Sendmail, or....etc.  That is what is
all about.

If you get tired of the Questions and their answers; if the
list is repetitive to you, or sounds trivial, then I would
say that you have outgrown it.  Nothing to get angry about.
Hang around if you want, or move on.  Maybe to return later.

Linux is a long, tall ladder.  We all climb this ladder of
learning.  As we slowly climb, we see those above and ask for
help, and at the same time we reach down and help pull up
those below us.  While we move up this ladder, we have to
recognize that new people are getting on the lower rungs all
the time.

I, and a few others that pitched in, answered and discussed
some questions regarding Modems....and Supermount.  Frankly,
I had posted about this four or five times already.  And
it will happen again because next week, sure as all get out,
some newcomer will want to know how come his "SupraExpress
56i PCI Modem will not be recognized or work with Linux".
So, it starts over.  Thats the way it was, is, and will be.

Ramon Gandia ============= Sysadmin ============== Nook Net
http://www.nook.net                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
285 West First Avenue                     tel. 907-443-7575
P.O. Box 970                              fax. 907-443-2487
Nome, Alaska 99762-0970 ==== Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525

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