On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 22:09 -0500, Brian T. Schellenberger wrote:
> I suppose that I have an expectation that I shouldn't have to go to the
> net to get documentation on new features in the distribution.

It depends. If you "buy" the free version (i.e. d'l the ISO of
the main CD from the net) then it is IMHO unavoidable to get
further documentation from the same source - the net.

If you buy a full pack you should have all included. Like the
"all inclusive" tours around the Windy City where you are
entitled to get mugged.
(Sorry folks up there, could've picked any city. Just personal
> In my case it would seem that I got a bad copy of Mandrake 'cause I
> only seem to have two disks though the package looks like it's meant to
> hold three of 'em.  (I got the Macmillan package.)
So how can you blame Mandrake for something Macmillan does? I
don't know what Macmillan or Goofy  or one of the trolls in
Tolkien's universe ship, I just know what Mandrake ships. 
That's a 6 CD set for the PowerPack.

Same kind of complaint that folks here in the main bookstore
started. All were waiting for the new Mandrake PowerPack to be
delivered. Then it came. Then it was *not* the PowerPack from
Mandrake but the DeLuxe pack from Macmillan (which the store
ordered), on sale for 189,00 DM. People started to complain
saying that Mandrake announced the pack to cost around 90,00 DM.
Now it costs nearly the double. They didn't realize that it was
not the Mandrake pack but the Macmillan pack.

I think it's all a matter of *exact* information.

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