"Brian T. Schellenberger" wrote:
> I suppose that I have an expectation that I shouldn't have to go to the
> net to get documentation on new features in the distribution.
I think that I had that expectation at one time.  It has been
corrected.  That is THE place to look for info, whether it is
Microsoft, Caldera, RedHat, Debian, FreeBSD, BeOS, or what have

> In my case it would seem that I got a bad copy of Mandrake 'cause I
> only seem to have two disks though the package looks like it's meant to
> hold three of 'em.  (I got the Macmillan package.)

Well, the MacMillan distro is just the bare essentials--the power
pack has 6 or 7 CDs

> I must say as well that I've been unimpressed by the lack of response
> to my "cooker" missive regarding installation issues and I will
> probably leave the Mandrake fold once Caldera comes out with their next
> distribution.  They seem to spend a bit more time smoothing out the
> rough edges.

Principal focus on cooker at this time would be preparing new
packages.  The sort of interaction you seek happens during a code
freeze when the folks at Mandrakesoft are responding to nearly
every missive, not only with a comment but often with a fix.  You
might want to hang around long enough to find out what it is

As for Caldera's "smoothing out the rough edges", I sent a
separate post about my experiences.  I had zero sound working on
6 installations that I eventually trashed for Mandrake.  The
kernel tools in Caldera seem to make it HARDER to handle modules
that Mandrake by quite a lot.  It was almost like fighting win98
install wizards.

> (And they happen to include most of the packages *I* happen to want,
> though nowhere near the variety that Mandrake does.  They simplify the
> task of installation by just flat-out choosing KDE and not giving as
> many options.  Which is ok with me since I happen to like their
> options.  It would presumably not satisfy most Mandrake users, however.)
"Daddy, why do we have to hide from the police?"

"Because we use emacs, son.  They use vi."
> I will probably re-post my "issues" mail, broken up into pieces and
> cross-posted to the lists, though, just to see if there's any consensus
> on these issues that might motivate Mandrake to solve them or at least
> to respond . . .

If you're not trying to fix it, it must not be a problem. <G> 
Seriously, I will be looking forward to seeing your "issues".


> I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
> I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> I support http://www.eff.org & http://www.programming-freedom.org .
> I boycott amazon.com.  See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazon.html .


experimentation involving more than 500 trials with an
ordinary slice of bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter
has determined that the probability a random toss will
land sticky side down (SSD) is approximately .98

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