> You're perfectly right: lilo only needs to find the kernel image,
> and you could often, in theory, put that anywhere as long as you
> specify it correctly in lilo.conf
> However, the /boot directory is part of the File System Standard (FSS)
> in linux, and this standard has been elaborated for several reasons:
>  .. mainly to aim for better interoperability between different
>      Linux distributions.
>  .. in the case of /boot, this also provides a suitable mount point 
>      to mount a different partition. This is mostly used for older
>      BIOSes that can't deal with the 1024-cylinder limit, so that 
>      you can make sure that a boot kernel will be physically below
>      the limit.  
Heres a related question
The following is part of my partition table
Device          Mount Point     Distribution
/hdb5           /boot           Debian
/hdb6           /               Debian
/hdc6           /boot           Mandrake
/hdc7           /               Mandrake

Two distributions running. Set up so that neither is in the the others FSTAB
with those mountpoints (for instance if I'm running Debian, I mount /dev/hdc7
as /mnt/Mandrakeroot)
Now....in that situation...Setting lilo by specifying the base image as
/boot/vmlinuz with different root directories for each distro results in LILO
dying (probably becasuse it's looking for both Kernals in the same partition)
So the question is...does lilo translate based on existing mountpoints to
partition locations?

For example...If I'm in Mandrake with dev/hdb5 mounted as /mnt/debboot
should I specify the kernal location for Debian as /mnt/debboot/vmlinuz-2.0.38
and Lilo will set the MBR to go to hdb5 (even though it will mount hdb5 as /boot
when the kernal reads Debian's fstab)?

Trying to burn my boot floppies (and play with another distribution while I've
got a spare Hard Drive)


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