Fran Parker wrote:

> Not everyone wants or needs to take the kind of chances you do.
> Not everyone wants or needs to, as you suggest, reinstall due to
> running as root and opening yourself up to invasion and loss.
> Not everyone wants or needs to take the unnecessary time to do
> is not hard!

I think you're being just a tad over-dramatic there... I have to run as root for very
long periods of time (setting a server for DNS+HTTPD+dial in, and copying a Support
Web system I made over, and setting up MySQL... about 4 hours logged in only as root
getting this all set up) and never have any problems.  The only serious issue I've
had so far is when I installed my new motherboard, and that's because I deleted the
parition /boot was mounted to (it needed to be redone to install lilo, since I wasn't
using another hard-drive as primary any more).  Other than that, I've never screwed
up a system as root.

> If everyone wanted this kind of abuse ... they could have stayed
> with Windows and gotten all they wanted!

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