On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ken Archer wrote:
> > Funny how you remember things your father used to say.  Mine used to look at me
> > and say, "Experience is a cruel teacher, but a fool can learn from no other." 
> > 
> Good one.  While certain (safe) commands have had permissions modified
> to allow me to run them as a normal user (of a particular group).
> Having to type su or sudo (or whatever other program you use for the
> purpose) is a reminder that what you are about to do may have
> repercussions.
Yeah. I've changed the permissions on my XCDRoast such that
I can now burn CDs as a non-root user. I really HATED
having to open a console, type "xhost +localhost" and then
su to root and run xcdroast. :-) THAT was a lot of pain.
Then I got smart and made XCDRoast run SUID. :-) I did the
same thing with RDATE. I *still* can't run HWCLOCK as a
non-root user, but it's no big deal to su to root for that.
Now, installing RPMs requires me to SU, but just running
RPM queries does not. I'm glad RH fixed that in 6.2.... In
RH 6.0, I was not able to run RPM queries as a non-root

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