John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ken Archer wrote:
> >
> > > Funny how you remember things your father used to say.  Mine used to look at me
> > > and say, "Experience is a cruel teacher, but a fool can learn from no other."
> > >
> >
> > Good one.  While certain (safe) commands have had permissions modified
> > to allow me to run them as a normal user (of a particular group).
> > Having to type su or sudo (or whatever other program you use for the
> > purpose) is a reminder that what you are about to do may have
> > repercussions.
> >
> Yeah. I've changed the permissions on my XCDRoast such that
> I can now burn CDs as a non-root user. I really HATED
> having to open a console, type "xhost +localhost" and then
> su to root and run xcdroast. :-) THAT was a lot of pain.

This seems to be a mandrake thing. Why, I dunno, cannot answer it..
But when I was running mdk 6.1, I used to have to do the xhost
+localhost all the time!

I don't know enough about Linux (yet) to know why, but I did. One of my
local linux guru's helped me with that.

With RH 6.2, I've NEVER had to do xhost +localhost..

I asked in the past and never got an answer..

WHAT it THIS, and WHY is this?  I would *really* like to know..



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