Thus spake Anton Graham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I can't count the times I have had to tell somebody to edit
> such-and-such file instead of using a (rather limited) GUI front-end
> to a program.  Our Windows converts are coming from a point and click
> world in which all of the thinking has been done for them.

How true. For a well-reasoned counterblast to the all-pervasive GUI,
Neil Stephenson's "In the beginning was the command line" is an
excellent read.

One small analogy he makes: a car would be much easier to drive using
a GUI. But a *lot* more dangerous.
|Deryk Barker, Computer Science Dept. | Music does not have to be understood|
|Camosun College, Victoria, BC, Canada| It has to be listened to.           |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |                                     |
|phone: +1 250 370 4452               |         Hermann Scherchen.          |

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