On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

> Why did Mandrake pick the most geekyist editor for a setup that is
> suposto be easy for users?

It's the unix tradition :)

> Anyone else seen this joke of a program?
Yes, and I use it almost daily
> With Vim all you have to do is spend a half hour trying to get it give
> you help, then scroll all the way to the bottom of a super long
> whoopy-do list of usless keyboard commands that you will forget a day
> after you use them. Please get rid of it!

It's a bit strange at first, but when you use it a lot, it is very
logically designed.
> thinking? Do they live on this planet? Why does Mandrake support this?
> Trash it!
Can't, vi should be a minimal part of every Linux distro, it is standard
on any Unix system.
> I don't know who thinks this is some great thing, WOW! It has zillions
> of features! It's not 1982 anymore, we have word processors that have a
> better human interface than terminals did, get a life geeks! (directed
> at the guys who wrote and keep updating "vi" and "vim")
It's the only editor that behaves right on weird terminals such as the
crappy Micro$oft telnet.
> Why not make the default editor a nice simple one, like maybe pico,
> where the commands are shown. I can't see anyone using a command line
> editor for much else than a few simple changes, there are better simple
> editors in KDE and such. Damn that really pissed me off, and on top of
> that you guys changed from "vi" (same stupid geeky crap) to "vim" (worse
> geeky crap) in 7.1 did someone request this? I want to know who!
That may be ok for beginners, but a hard core sys admin wants vi.

> Sorry for the bandwith waste, had to get this off my chest. Anyone else
> feel like I do about this?
This post is asking for a flame when put on expert groups, but I see the
purpose of an easier editor for beginners. However, Mandrake has a large
audience to satisfy, including hard core UNIX people. Vi has established
itself as the standard editor, and it is not easily going to be displaced.


Ellick Chan
Aug 14

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