On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > No-one is forcing you to use vim. If you don't like it use something else! Can
> > we kill this thread please? The best thing to come out of it would be for
> > Mandrakesoft to take the suggestion of a default editor selection at
> > installation time because complaining how vi sucks or how vi rocks so much at
> > length is just igniting a holy flame war.
> >
> Well, in point of fact, they are. When vi/vim is the "default" editor
> of choice when you install linux, you ARE forcing people to use vi.
> Not everyone knows that you can just edit your .bashrc (or
> /etc/bashrc) to fix this.

Exactly how much hand-holding are we expecting here? The whine quotient
on this thread is rising rapidly.

Power tools are not for kids - exactly. Linux is a power tool, and power
is inversely proportional to ease of use. When I sit down to use Linux, I
expect to have to do a bit of homework. In exchange for that effort I get
a system that does what I want it to when I tell it to.

If you guys want Windows, use Windows. I stopped using Windows for a
reason. Please don't ruin the only good thing I have left.



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