Let's say that you need to set up systems for a group.  You could go to each
system, boot off the CDROM, answer all the questions, then go to the next
system, and repeat the process. The alternative is to set up the first system,
save the setup to a floppy, then carry the floppy and CDROM to the next system,
boot up with "linux ks=floppy", go away until the install is complete, then
repeat the process.
On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Jonathan Prigot wrote:
> > You mean a "kickstart" floppy. It used to be magic to get and configure
> > the necessary info. I noticed during the latest install that toward the
> > end of the install there is a question about generating the floppy. I
> > forget whether that was in the 7.1 or "Ulysses" install. If it's not in
> > 7.1, then hit the MandrakeSoft web site and search for "kickstart".
> > ---
> > > Installation floppy?  All that I can think that you might mean is a floppy
> > > with a customized version of the installer software.  I don't believe that
> > > this is any standard utility.  There is an option in drakeConfig (sorry if I
> > > have the name wrong).  Under the boot options there is a choice for "create
> > > boot floppy", and that does have some specialized functions, but I believe
> > > that it's mainly intended to control the loading of device drivers, and
> > > choosing between default boot systems.
> > >
> > >...
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> I seem to be confused.  How is the "kickstart" floppy different from the CD
> Update (or, if one already has a base system active, a script to apply multiple
> RPM's in sequence)?  And then there's the CD's rescue mode, but I don't know what
> it does.  The one time I tried to use it, it didn't seem to do anything useful.
> Perhaps it didn't see my system disk (sda), as there was some comment about not
> being able to pass parameters to SCSI devices.

Jonathan M. Prigot (617-278-0794)
Brigham and Women's Hospital
900 Commonwealth Avenue, East
Boston, MA 02215-1213

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