Stephen F Bosch wrote:
> Hallo:
> Pierre Fortin wrote:
> >
> > Stephen Bosch wrote:
> > >
> > > Lyle wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Ghost from Symantec and Disk Copy from Power Quest is the fastest way, I
> > > > know to restore a system.
> > >
> > > There has GOT to be a better way to do this than to use those bloated
> > > applications. Hasn't anybody done a scripted install here?
> >
> > I installed 7.1 over Caldera on my old machine the other day, and near the end
> > of the install, it asked if I wanted to create a floppy to allow replicating
> > this install later...  Don't recall the exact text; but it sounds like the
> > feature is there.  BTW, I used expert and specified most of the packages...
> So, Pierre, whaddaya think of LM 7.1 vs. Caldera?
> I am *SO* happy with my 6.1 that I don't think I'm going to go to 7.X
> anytime soon... especially with all the problems with the fancy parts.
> =)

No desire to get into a war on this... :^)  Suffice it to say that I had all my
Intel boxes running RH4.2, RH5.2, LM6.0, then LM6.1.  I tried to install LM7.0;
but gave up in frustration and started looking at all the other distros (bought
the big package of CDs).  Initially, I liked Caldera; but soon changed my mind.
Within 2 weeks of installing Caldera, that system was cracked; caught it
immediately and locked down my network.  

Then, LM7.1...  I'm running it on 2 Intel boxes now.  It's also installed on the
laptop (77 days uptime); but I have NEVER used LM7.1 on it.  The install totally
sucked, and the fonts are so fugly (conjunction of 2 common words :), a Crayola
font created by a 2-year old would be an improvement.

On my Sparc2, I tried RH6.1 which never got past a panic trying to mount /. 
Then, hydrogen2 came out; it started to install, enough to blow away Solaris;
but not enough to finish.  Finally got it to install partially; but X and a few
other things did not install.  I've never seen so many variations in settings
for *auto*partitioning...  looks like a rand() function is used in that part of
the install code.

I am **really** hoping LM7.2 fixes a *LOT* of things; otherwise, I may consider
going back to 6.1 like you...  or dragging out the stack of CDs for a fresh

BTW, I don't report a whole lot these days, because MandrakeSoft *really* needs
to have a better way than an inbox for us to report bugs.  Not getting a
response, as another poster stated, does not help the process either.  If you
read the Netscape or StarOffice newsgroups, you will see that they too have this
problem; but I seem to get a little more attention when I post with subject
lines along the lines of:
   BUG:NC4.75:  foo fails when I bar
   BUG:Calc5.2:  unwanted reformat if "2 9/16" is entered
The point is the simple format of the subject prefix... certainly would be a
whole lot more useful to see [BUG|TEST|REPR|METOO|DUP|FIX|etc] in lieu of
[Cooker|Expert]...  Gee, I could even use very simple filters to group/trash
these...  but, too many monkeys to train...  so the real answer continues to be
a formal bug reporting mechanism.  Hey!  There used to be one for Mdk folk... 
last time I checked, one of my bugs was listed (see Wow! it's 770 and the
*last* bug listed is 773 on Feb 10th...  zero bugs since then...???  :^/

I keep running into really strange stuff* I haven't reported 'cuz while I get
responses to my replies to other posts, I never get a reply when I originate
something...  Very unusual attitude for someone who's spent the past 37 working
years saying "Report it! We can't fix what we don't know about..."   Now I'm
retired, so I don't push so hard.  :^)  When I see current bugs resume their
appearance in the db, I'll start reporting again.  No-one likes paperwork; but
without it, LM will collapse.  The cooker list is way too full of junk.  And now
that Mdk are bringing support back inhouse (from LinuxCare), the weight on the
developers will get heavier.

* Today my X & kbrd locked up solid (second time since changing fonts the other
day as per; I had to telnet
in from another box and kill X. [Don't tell me about C+A+Fn etc; I know... they
don't work when this happens.]

Sorry for the huge brain fart...

Still a disappointed optomist,

> -Stephen-
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