At 10:29 PM 10/10/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I am planning to build a 750 Mhz system with AMD's Duron processor primarily
>for it's cost benefit. The Duron CPU seems to cost less and perform equally
>to an Intel CPU. But I prefer input from users who are using AMD chips. I
>have a couple of concerns regarding the AMD processor.
>Is an AMD processor equivalent to an intel chip, in terms of instruction
>set, etc...
>Are the power supply requirements so rigid as mentioned in the AMD website?

Yes.  Many people have had problems getting their chips to work correctly 
without the correct power supply.  This was a widespread problem when the 
Athlon was first released.  Amazingly, after people started using AMD 
certified power supplies the problem went away.  I would stick with one, 
after all, this can't increase your cost any more than $20-30 I would think.

>Will any hardware on an Intel system suit an AMD system?

Absolutely.  Though sometimes you can find quirks with the motherboard and 
devices.  I think there used to be a problem with VIA boards and certain 
video cards (although the reigning video king Nvidia never had any that I'm 
aware of).

>ANy recommendations of a good motherboard for a Duron processor.

I haven't built or overhauled a system in several months so I can't tell 
you.  But, every time I'm about to I march right on over to and check out his reviews.  Never been led astray 
there.  You can also check out Anand at for another 
opinion.  I don't always agree with Anand's reviews as they don't always 
seem to be focused on actual perceivable differences in performance as 
opposed to purely numbers (often revealing minute differences).

>Appreciate any feedback from people who have/built an AMD system

Another place I would check is which is where I usually 
go when looking for my components, they have a good listing of vendors and 
prices.  In the past I've used MPI and Memman and never been 
disappointed.  But, there are plenty of good vendors on there, just be 
careful, there's some dirtbags on there too from what I have heard.

After you decide on the motherboard you want I would cram in usenet by 
doing Deja searches for the board.  For instance, FIC boards have their own 
usenet group and you can read all about the good and the bad of their 
boards from actual users as well as installation hints.

Any other help I would give you is personal preference of mine, I've used 
FIC boards and VIA chipsets for a while now and know all their quirks and 
whatnot.  But, I don't know much about what they're offering for Duron 
right now, though I'm sure they have one.

Good luck,


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