On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to build a 750 Mhz system with AMD's Duron processor primarily
> for it's cost benefit. The Duron CPU seems to cost less and perform equally
> to an Intel CPU. But I prefer input from users who are using AMD chips. I
> have a couple of concerns regarding the AMD processor.
> Is an AMD processor equivalent to an intel chip, in terms of instruction
> set, etc...

AMD's 3D Now is superior to Intel in Multimedia and equal in the
rest. Generally, speed for speed, AMD performs faster.

 > Are the power supply requirements so rigid as mentioned in
the AMD website? > 

I use 250 to 300w powersupplies that come in generic cases and have yet to
encounter any problems from low voltage &etc.

 > Will any hardware on an Intel
system suit an AMD system?

 I have used AMD exclusivly in my computer business
for over 6yrs and have had great success with them. AFAIK, the AMD is totally
compatible with ALL hardware on the market today.

 > ANy recommendations of a good motherboard for a
Duron processor. 

I have had success with both the Epox and FIC mother boards
using Duron 700's.

Ken Thompson
Payette, Idaho

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