On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, you wrote:

> Is an AMD processor equivalent to an intel chip, in terms of instruction
> set, etc...

Yes, except for SSE.. Most programs dont use SSE.  Many video card drivers 
do, but those drivers also have 3DNow optimizations as well.

> Are the power supply requirements so rigid as mentioned in the AMD website?

Yes.. The two things that you should not go cheap on are the power supply and 
the RAM.. By a power supply from the AMD list and buy good RAM.. That will 
ensure that you have a stable system

> Will any hardware on an Intel system suit an AMD system?


> ANy recommendations of a good motherboard for a Duron processor.

The ASUS A7V is probably the best Duron board..

> Appreciate any feedback from people who have/built an AMD system

I've had my Athlon system for over 6 months now.  I've been extremely pleased 
with its stability and performance.    

Darin -

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