What if we trailing-edge types totally deinstall our 1.1.x
systems, then try to install kde2 from source?

Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Thanks.  It still also resides in SOME (very few) kde mirrors.
> Here's the big question...did you actually install it and get it
> working?
> After downloading and installing, all was wrong with the world.  First,
> installing it, even with menu-3.0.5-43mdk installed, it segfaults during
> the rpm install on /usr/bin/upgrade-menus.  Both qt2 and kde rpms
> segfault
> it.  Once it IS all installed, the system is broken.  SOME things work,
> most
> do not.
> Looking deeper into it, even though I got NO dependency missing
> messages,
> it appears that you HAVE to "upgrade" just about every rpm on your
> system
> to 7.2beta or Cooker level - all because you need to upgrade menu,
> apparently,
> even beyond menu-2.1.5-43mdk, because of the segfaults on
> upgrade-menus.  To
> upgrade menu, to 4.0, which is all that is left, you must upgrade glibc
> to
> glibc-2.1.95 or 2.1.96.  Doing THIS will break all the other rpms on
> your
> system, so you must upgrade them as well.
> It APPEARS that the "stable" kde 2.0 cannot be used except on an
> unstable,
> beta-only distro like 7.2beta or Cooker.  There is a README I read on
> one
> mirror yesterday that indicated you could run kde 2.0 on other mandrake
> versions, but you had to upgrade a few rpms (pam, menu, a COUPLE
> others).
> Problem is, it is NOT a few rpms.  As I described above, to "simply"
> upgrade
> menu alone requires an entire cascade of other upgrades to satisfy
> dependencies.
> At least with RedHat, though they offer glibc-2.1.95 (and 2.1.96) they
> have a glibc-compat rpm NOT for OLD glibc, but for the previous glibc
> that
> was in RedHat 6.2, which is essentially 2.1.3.  No such beast exists for
> Mandrake so if you upgrade glibc to upgrade menu to install kde 2.0, you
> break everything.  In for a penny, in for a pound.
> praedor
> philomena wrote:
> >
> > here's one...
> >
> > http://ftp.sourceforge.net/pub/mirrors/kde/stable/2.0/distribution/rpm/Mandrake/
> >
> > Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > >
> > > Real nice.  Yesterday, kde releases, finally, the stable,
> > > final kde-2.0.  Yesterday you could download it from
> > > mandrake cooker, from rpmfind, from every mirror
> > > known to man.
> [...]

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