"Ron Johnson, Jr." wrote:
> > You could try.  When I did the attempt, the indications were that
> > it would REPLACE your kde-1.1.2.  In my experience, it did replace
> > everything except kdebase-1.1.2.  EVERYTHING else was replaced.
> >
> > This led to a double kdebase which was real screwy.  I uninstalled
> > the kdebase-1.1.2 manually and reinstalled kde 2.0.  It worked
> I'm confused.  Isn't EVERYTHING *supposed* to be replaced?

When I did the install, I had kde-1.1.2 installed.  After 
the installation, kde and kdm were REAL squirrelly.  Kdm 
would let me start kde but nothing else.  The panel in
kde was blank and nothing in the menus worked.  During
my troubleshooting, I did an "rpm -qa | grep kde" and
found that ALL the kde-1.1.2 rpms had been replaced 
except for kdebase-1.1.2.  In that one instance, I had
both kdebase-1.1.2 AND kdebase-2.0-1 installed.  Oops.

I manually removed the kdebase-1.1.2 rpm and reinstalled
kde-2.0 (all rpms) again.  This time, kdm was better 
behaved, though it wouldn't start "failsafe".  Kde
was better, with proper icons, though the panel was,
again, nearly useless.  About half the items I tried
in the kde menus did not work.  

That was my experience.  The ONE kdebase-1.1.2 rpm did
not get replaced when I did it.  I had to remove it
myself.  As a result of this, I suggest that it would
be better to FIRST remove ALL the kde-1.1.2 rpms and
then install all the kde-2.0 rpms rather than depend 
upon them to properly replace your old kde rpms.

As for the other problems I've had, I am still trouble-
shooting.  Hopefully, by the end of the day I will
have it fixed and running.  I really don't care for
gnome very much.  


> > Give it a shot and let me know...  I am always wondering if there
> > is some small squirrelly thing wrong with my system.
> > praedor
> What do u mean: nearly useless.
> Ron
> --
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> | Jefferson, LA  USA      WWW : [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> |                         http://ronandheather.dhs.org     |
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
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