praedor wrote:
> Hmpf.  It's the only thing I can think of that would be a cause of the
> NEW problem...which only actually appeared at some point after an
> upgrade to 7.2 but it CAN'T be Mandrake 7.2, because...
> I have an AudioPCI es1371 card and a PCI 3com 3C900B card presently
> sharing an irq.  The soundcard has worked fine in the past, no cricket
> noises, no problems.  I have now found that the same problem occurs under
> windoze,  which made me think the card went bad.  I picked up a new card, a
> soundblaster PCI 128 (drats!!) which isn't well supported under
> linux, it turns out.  Windoze had the same problem with it as with the
> AudioPCI card it replaced...chirping noises covering most system sounds.
> I couldn't get it working under linux but since the same problem occurred,
> AND in a different PCI slot, I guess it isn't the card.
> I have also tried two separate sets of speakers but that doesn't change
> anything.
> I have an AOpen AK72 mobo with athlon 700.  The onboard sound is
> disabled (I would use it if it were possible under linux).  This problem with
> chirping static noises happening when sounds are played is rather new,
> and doesn't coincide with my original upgrade to this motherboard and
> cpu.  It can't be a linux problem either since it also occurs in windoze.
> I am stumped.  Anyone have any ideas?  I've tried different PCI slots,
> different audio cards, different speakers.  I've also tried different kernel
> builds.

I have that problem if I have the covers off my box and if I place the
speaker which has the amplifier etc close to (within 6 inches or so) of
the card slots.

Is your problem emf related?? Speaker volume highish but aumix control

Just a thought
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