Die 26 dic 2000  haec mihi scripsisti:

> Some way it is strange to say, but I am glad to see, that I am not
> the only having trouble with this printer and the Md 7.2/Cups. But
> mine goes a little further, because I only gets 2/3 of the first page
> in each print-job + one blank page afterwards.
> Please tell me, which printer do you choose in setup, because I can't
> find the right match.

In my mandrake 7.2 installation there were 2 entries for hpljet3p. I  
choose the former, tried also the other one but the quality was not so 
good. I also tried with some generic hpljet drivers: the useless pages 
are not printed, but the quality is very bad indeed.

I must change printer -- it's probably too old, now...


E-Mail: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italia
Homepage: http://fly.to/arsantiqua
+ + + + + + NON NOBIS DOMINE + + + + + + +

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