If I can help, I will give it a shot even tho I'm between newbie and expert

On Tuesday 06 February 2001 12:36 am, so spoke Altoine B.:
> Here I go again. Maybe my question is not getting through (the one
> about, "What is this one doing that dialpad and net2phone are doing
> differently to achieve the same objective: **Free Phone service through
> the internet**")? I hope you know that what ever hardware can do, a
> program can be made to "emulate" the same device? Example: winmodems.
> Not good enough? winprinters. Need I go on? There may not currently be a
> program in Linux but you may never know for sure until you ask.
> Besides the creator of gphone created the program out of necessity and a
> means to LEARN how to program! Remarkable! Same with the author of Licq
> (except he had a comprehensible background in programming since he could
> read!LOl). Anybody want to join me in making this a reality? I'm
> currently fixing up my server. I am trying to fix a php4 bug at the
> current moment, but as soon as I'm up... My backups had gotten destroyed
> for my webserver. This wasn't known to me until after I had formatted
> and repartitioned my drives. I had attempted to change the file system
> to Reiserfs on kernel 2.4.0 without success. If anyone has succeeded
> with 2.4.0 or 2.4.1 I would like to compare partitioning schema. I am
> rebuilding all my files from scratch. I have five projects that address
> the dialpad, vmware, and development period.
> Cheers,
> -- Al
> Cheers,
> -- Al

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