
One thing to consider (not being a coder, I am not certain where this falls 
into the particular burgening project here - COOL! by the way) as a basis, is 
that all the applications out there of any note, including net2phone, 
dialpad, netphone, M$ netmeeting, etc, do use open H323 as their protocol 


The openH323 site has some basic C-based source that permits any platform 
with a STANDARD compiler and libs to build them.  They provide 
net-transmission capability but lack the IP to PSTN portion/conversion, which 
is what the Quicknet card provides (and I suppose the dialpad java 
monstrosity provides a software interface to a server-side daemon and 
net2phone acts in a similar fashion but in win32 code).

So it appears that you are either looking to make a proper dialpad interface 
that is divorced from any particular OS or you wish to create a new entity 
with the same function as net2phone and dialpad but with emulation of the 
Quicknet Phonejack card hardware, allowing for the use of net2phone AND 
dialpad servers (and perhaps any others that may exist?).  

On Tuesday 06 February 2001 11:47, Todd Flinders you wrote:
> I would help.  I have some basic C++ and Java
> programming experience.  I've programmed in other
> languages as well, but that is not relevant.

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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