Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Hello.
> One thing to consider (not being a coder, I am not certain where this falls
> into the particular burgening project here - COOL! by the way) as a basis, is
> that all the applications out there of any note, including net2phone,
> dialpad, netphone, M$ netmeeting, etc, do use open H323 as their protocol
> basis.
> The openH323 site has some basic C-based source that permits any platform
> with a STANDARD compiler and libs to build them.  They provide
> net-transmission capability but lack the IP to PSTN portion/conversion, which
> is what the Quicknet card provides (and I suppose the dialpad java
> monstrosity provides a software interface to a server-side daemon and
> net2phone acts in a similar fashion but in win32 code).
> So it appears that you are either looking to make a proper dialpad interface
> that is divorced from any particular OS or you wish to create a new entity
> with the same function as net2phone and dialpad but with emulation of the
> Quicknet Phonejack card hardware, allowing for the use of net2phone AND
> dialpad servers (and perhaps any others that may exist?).

You are right on all points. And you totally understand the
functionality of the respective VoIP solutions. Now about that last
paragraph about what I'm really trying to do. I gather that Yahoo, more
than likely, has permission to use net2phone's hardware and I'm just
extending the same permission for dialpad. I really want only registered
users to access and use dialpad until they reply back to me to say
otherwise. The silly thing is this. dialpad uses php to serve up their
pages. That means, really one can not use your "phonebook" directory and
just click on a person and dial. You will have to do it all through the
dialpad plugin. The sad thing is... unregistered users can use the
service through this plugin When we succeed I will post my findings to
dialpad, but not before distributing at least the source to the list and
beyond. (Just in case<grin>)I'm sending them my finding so that their
"technical" staff can implement it into their php script so that we can
use our phonebook entries from their website. Otherwise.. 

.. oh well! As long as we can use the service!

-- Al

Now off to cleaning up my server and getting things organized for this
Give me a day and we will start (from my end). You may already be at it
at your end <grin>


  .--. `           
  |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-----'|   

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