On Sunday 04 March 2001 06:09, you wrote:
> On Saturday 03 March 2001 09:19 pm, Collins Richey wrote:
> > >    create a directory to d/l the rpms to, then paste the URL with
> > > *.rpms added into nt (Webdownloader) or your favorite other. eg,
> > > ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/unix/Linux/Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586/kde
> > >-2.1 /*.rpm When the d/l is complete, cd to that dir, su to root and
> > > 'rpm -Uvh *'
> >
> > I followed these instructions, but there is more.
> >
> > 4.  The panel is present, but most of the icons have the gearwheel
> > (generic icon) instead of the expected icon.
>       run 'rpm --rebuilddb'  and 'update-menus -v'

Yep, that worked, at least partially.  The KDE panel now has the appropriate 

Two further questions:

1.  Where would I RTFM to know that this was needed?
2.  rebuilddb is successful, but update menus goes into a wait after 
displaying the message that it is rebuilding the enlightenment menus.   Since 
I don't really care about enlightenment, I CTL-C'd out of the update after 
about 20 minutes of no activity.

Collins Richey
Denver Area

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