> The point is unix, linux, seems to be the last refuge of the propellor head
> who tends to guard the domain jealously.  It is a large body of work with
> great power which is tremendously badly explained.  I mean it's all very

The Linux/UNIX community has regularly suggested that Bill Gates is
not a great computer guru.  What they fail to recognize is that he's a
superb marketeer, identifying what people want and providing it.  In
that he limited flexibility in favor of providing a tool that doesn't
require knowledge of a thousand pages of documentation for most people
to operate.

The Linux community wants to retain the flexibility (a good thing in
my view) but those 'propeller heads' (and I think your name is
appropriate) simply aren't the guys you want to ask to produce a
simple interface overlay to produce the same
limited_capability/no_need_to_learn combination that is necessary to
move Linux onto the desktop.  Both COULD co-exist but at this point,
both the KDE group and the GNOME group are battling with flexibility
tools, the more they provide the better they think they're doing.  

These efforts are completely opposed to what's required to move Linux
onto the average desktop and yet what happened when KDE2.0 didn't have
themes?  The community started screaming like crazy that they could
modify each and every parameter of their desktop.  There in lies the
root of the problem; not only are the developers propeller heads, so
are most of the current users.

Cheers --- Larry

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