On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 16:13 +0100, Daryl Johnson wrote:

>  Believe it or not it took me several
> hours to make 'find' work for me.  A single example properly explained would
> have saved all that time.  That willingness to go the extra mile and
> PROPERLY explain what is going on seems absent.

For me Daryl found the main point in all this.
The man-pages are written for the one already knowing about the main
rules and other secrets of the trade. Sometimes it seems to me that
whoever invented the rules for man-pages was a dedicated crosswords
You read the man and then you start to think about what you just
read. And after hours of thinking you may have found what you were
looking for. As Daryl stated:
*A simple example would have saved all that time!*

Even some HOWTOs would become obsolete would the writer of a man put
some explained examples at the end of the man.

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