
thank you for replying, and as always your wisdom pleasurably far
exceeds what I could have hoped for in an answer. It's almost as if you
"read my mind" to know how to answer. That is very much of the
information I was looking for and has also given me a great deal to chew
on while digesting the rest of it.



Civileme wrote:
> On Saturday 24 March 2001 14:14, you wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I know I've used this utility before, but you know what?...I really have
> > no idea for sure what the little bugger is. I've taken it for granted
> > that it's in there and used it as I've seen it exampled.
> >
> > So, could someone provide a definitive explanation of just what exactly
> > grep is, where I might find some real thorough information on usage and
> > function on this wonder of hidden technology?
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > Mark
> Hiya Mark!
> Well there are as many uses for grep as there are for a pocket camera.
> Generalized Regular Expression Parser
> Basically it returns each line or each item in a list that matches a regular
> expression that you give it.
> Regular expressions?  Well there are three frequent styles of them,
> recognized with slight differences by different programs. Here are some
> examples:
> [A-Z][a-z]  match any alphabetic
> ^                  match begining of line
> *                  match zero or more preceding
> .                   match any character
> $                  match end of line
> \                   makes an "escape" so the next character is not a
> metacharacter
> +                  match one or more preceding
> ?                   match zero or  more preceding
> |                    either/or choices to match
> ()                   groups an expression to match (where it would otherwise
> be unclear)
> You can also store a pattern for later replay but occasions to use that in
> day-to-day system administration are rare.
> And to make things more fun, there are variations of grep.
> rgrep is a recursive grep through files in a directory and possibly
> subdirectories.
> fgrep searches a bunch of files, and prints lines that match or don't match
> text and possibly n lines before and m lines after along with the file name
> and line number--a handy little concordance generator.
> egrep does the same as fgrep but supports different regular expressions and
> doesn't support pattern storage or \< \> \n \| escapes.
> Usually one doesn't use grep by itself, but there are some times where it
> might be helpful.  I had just installed StarOffice for a bunch of secretaries
> and they could not find their files and I hadn't studied that portion of
> StarOffice...  So I asked "Who is the letter addressed to?"  Then
> rgrep  -l "Stevens" /home/karmen
> popped up the directory path to the file.
> Or suppose you want to remove all the packages whose names begin with 'kde'
> You can get a list of those packages with
> rpm -qa | grep ^kde
> since `   paired with another ` on the bash command line means "Subsitute the
> output of the program" and since most commands are happy to take a list of
> files,
> rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep ^kde`
> will attempt to remove them all (of course it might encounter a dependency
> problem).
> Or suppose I wanted a list of non-mandrake rpm packages on a system  (typical
> bug analysis task)
> rpm -qa | grep -v  [0-9]*mdk
> so, the basis of grep is a pattern-matching engine that searches files
> looking for matches on a line, and doing something with those lines that it
> is not doing to other lines (or vice versa)  exactly what it does and whether
> it does that to the lines that match or the lines that don't match is
> controlled by the many option switches available.  The other program names in
> the grep family are basically just built-in option switches.
> Civileme

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