Oddly enough, I had the opposite problem

As soon as I put 8.0 on,  I could no longer access the internet through my

I tried running Mandrake 8.0b2 on one computer, while I left my good Linux
computer running 7.2 (which it is running flawlessly right now).  8.0 can
see and ping all the other computers on my lan, and it can ping through to
my ISP if you specify the ISP's actualy IP address, but I can't access any
webpages by the domain names.

This has been baffling me for quite some time, and I have thus far
attributed it to mandrake being beta,  I'll be trying out beta 3 later
this evening, but I'd like to knwo if anyone else has any information
regarding this.

I'm running a Windows NT4 server as a fileserver/proxy through a cable
modem to the internet.  Everythign works fine on Windows, and in Mandrake
7.2 on the same machine, but as soon as I try mandrake 8.0beta1 or beta2,
I get nothing on the internet.


> >
> > Ya, with the 7.2 dist, Konqueror does not load java pages properly.
> > Plus, I use the Netscape SSL IMAP functions to check email and have
> > been unable to find another email client that supports multiple
> > SSL IMAP accounts. :(
> I feel your pain, there.  I had hopes for KMail, but it doesn't look
> like it's going to happen this time around.
> The 7.2 distro was bad for me all around.  I went back to 7.1 almost
> immediately. It was weird -- after I put 7.2 on, I couldn't get my cable
> modem to work.  I tried everything, and got nothing.  I beat my head
> against the wall, recompiled older versions of programs, everything you
> can think of.  Got nothing.
> I put 8.0b3 on that box, and up everything came, and away we went, cable
> modem and all.  I'm still scratching my head on that one.
> --
> Craig Sprout
> Network Administrator
> Crown Parts and Machine
> http://www.crownpartsandmachine.com

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