On 2001.07.18 16:18 angela wrote:

> How is it stablility and security to other distriubution eg: RH,

I'm really not qualified to measure up security for Mandrake against other
distros so I'm not gonna try ;-)
But it all comes down to this :
A distribution is only as secure as YOU make it... 
Basic security depends on the install and distro. And for Mandrake security
is pretty good , especially for new users like yourself they've implemented
security scripts that change the security levels in a jiffy. It handles
services and file permissions and other pitfalls of security.
Just read "man msec" and you'll understand it more ;-)
If you're really paranoid you're gonna need to get dirty and fiddle with
every port/service/package that poses a possible threat.

int main(){
    void signature("Nicky Peeters");
    void aka("tarkin");
    string quote("665.9238429876 - Number of the Pentium Beast");
    /* don't compile this at home , children!! */

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