> Sorry, no luck here either.  Not a big deal.  I wouldn't be messing with my
> 7.2 install at all if not for a sound and cdrom access problem.  If the kde
> packages that came with the disks are used, it works perfectly, but if I
> upgrade to the updated packages I lose sound for everyone except root (and
> access to the cd drive too).
> Regressing to the prior version of kde fixes the problem but all things
> considered I would rather go forward than back...  Also kde 2.2 packages
> cause problems as well and are basically unusable...  Would an install from
> the kde source packages solve these problems?
> TWGibson

Hmm.  sounds to me like a permissions problem.  Don't know if install from
kde source would help or hurt.

Since things work for root, its not a control problem, eh?

So, if you want to check permisisons on /dev/dsp (and whatever it points to)
No, better: do this:

        ls -l /dev|egrep audio

and save it to a file (i.e. do above '> a.file'), upgrade (again, sorry!) 
and then check to see what permisisons are different.  Also, check with
/etc/fstab before and after the upgrades to see what has changed there,
because I bet there's a user allow option turned off after the upgrade
(shoot, to be paranoid save all of /etc/ somewhere just before you upgrade ;-)

Maybe that will isolate the changes for you, so you can change them back...


(now, if I could just get 8.1 to install on my laptop!  :-)

(ps#2 - sometime soon I'm going to post a summary of my very recent experiences
with WD hard disk drives!)

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