Hi James

Thanks for your detail information.  I shall go through your recommended 
technical documents first before I make my final decision in which 
direction I shall proceed.

Thanks again.


At 07:17 PM 1/4/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>    In short .... yes...  However I bet you need more info than this so
>let me point you to some docs.
>The basics of Networking.
>Samba ( the network neighborhood for *nix/windows )
>These two should get you properly confused *grin*  actually they will
>provide more info than you will need but they are rather general in
>How I would handle it is that I'd set linux box with a basic firewall
>and IP-Masq.  This allows me to  use my one real IP number and then
>'share' it with all the other boxes for the net.  behind that firewall
>I then have 253 ip-numbers I can use (per network) to enable local
>boxes to find each other.
>If  you already have these two behind a firewall or they both already
>have IP numbers then you only need to use samba on your linux box and
>you are off and running with the shares.  Of course you can always use
>WS-FTP or CuteFTP on your Windows box to get and put files on the
>Linux box.  The advantage of Samba is that it allows for two way file
>movement between linux and windows.  FTP is only from windows since it
>doesn't have an ftp server.  Then once you have samba up on the linux
>box and both are in the same "group" (explained in the how to above) I
>would recommend putting xsmbrowser on your linux box.  It's interface
>makes for really straight forward use of samba to transfer files.  I
>realize this is a short explination but most of the info is covered in
>the above how to's and would make a really long e-mail.
>On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 09:42:59 +0800
>Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All People.
> >
> > Can I make use of lan hub to connect a Win box and Linux box for
> > transfer ?
> >
> > If yes, then how.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > B.R.
> > Stephen Liu
> >
> >
> >
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