On Wednesday 20 February 2002 20:57, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> And while I also very much love PHP (and despise Perl for web
> development), it's also very easy to switch the DB backend in Perl,
> thanks to the nice DBI package.

Why do you despise Perl then ?
No flame wars please. 
Just intrested. 
I have used Perl, PHP, VB, & Java for web programming and currently favour 
perl (in its embedded mod_perl form) but have probably spent the most time 
with Java. I find Perl quick and easy to get simply things running. Ditto PHP.
But when I want to start doing more complicated things like say building
up class libraries or processing XML messages via SOAP then Perl still lets 
me via modules in CPAN but thats not the same for PHP.
Course I might be missing something re PHP, love to learn more if I am.


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