> My suggestion would be for Mandrake to compile it and offer it only through
> the Mandrake Store or ccccClub for $10 and find some way (even voluntarily)
> to keep it off ftp servers. I'd pay the $$ to support Mandrake and get a
> distro of that quality that will work on a 486.

  It's an interesting idea, although I'm dubious on it's value to Mandrake. 
How many hours would it take to recompile all the RPM's to a less optimized 
state? Once they did, how many people would want a 486-optimized distro? 
These days, most folks look at Pentium/150's as 
very-low-end-might-be-too-slow-for-most-people machines, and even basic 
servers for things like routers and such are usually on Pentium/100+ 

   Let's say it only costs $10,000 (it's probably more man/machine hours/cost 
than that) to recompile everything (2,000 plus packages), and to reorganize 
things. At ten dollars a piece, it would take 1,000 people to purchase the 
CD's before MDK would even break even (and I truly doubt that there are more 
than say 2,000 or 3,000 people that would want such a CD set).


Timothy R. Butler                    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Universal  Networks                       http://www.uninet.info        
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