Lorne Shantz wrote:
> I will NEVER EVER by a MB with a via chipset again! Period. It has left me so
> bitter, that I probably wont' even get an AMD cpu next time. I went to AMD's
> website and picked a MB brand that was recommended by AMD. I spent 3 months
> screwing around, getting frustrated and cussing. Changed to an IWILL mb and all
> my problems went away. Before that I had an Intel MB, intel chip and no
> problems. It isn't that AMD sells bad product, but a LOT of MB companies are
> putting out shit. My 1.3 cents worth.

I don't know if you still have the board you had troubles with, but
interestingly enough, the patches talked about in the article Felix
quoted actually seemed to solve alot more issues with VIA based MB's
than just performance problems. It might be worth checking out.

> Felix Miata wrote:

>>I don't think so. I found the article that lead to my comment:

Read my other post about how hard it is to test the different
combinations of PC hardware. I don't doubt you had problems. And I
bet there are a whole lot of people witht eh same MB that didn't.

It really has a lot to do with the exact combination that you're
trying to use at any one time. You may have different components
next time and a VIA based MB might work fine. At the same time
with different components might give you similliar problems on
a board with a non-VIA chipset. There are *no* absolutes.

And as another person said, most hardware problems are fixable in
software. Once the culprit is found many times it's a simple driver
or BIOS patch and it's gone.


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