Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> Conservative revisionism?  WTF? By who's reckoning?  I've been watching
> the democratic and republican parties with interest for the last three
> years, and I can assure you that the democrats-liberals have ALWAYS been
> behind both the constitutional rights erosion AND are the primary dildos
> of entertainment industry's attack on open source.  The only
> "revisionism" around here is LIBERAL revisionism; HELLO ---- THEY

Hot damn, LX! The more I see you post, the more I can see just how
intelligent you are. I couldn't have said this better. As a great French
leader once said (OK Mandrake folks, you should know who he is, and, no,
it is not the "Big Asparagus"), "If you are twenty and you are not a
socialist, you do not have a heart but if you are forty and you are a
socialist, you do not have a brain".
> Yeah, there are some liberals and turncoats in republican clothing out
> there, but it is almost exclusively the democrats-liberals that have
> control of the media; what any liberal reports to the media is accepted
> without question, no matter what credentials (wether they exist or no),
> while anything contributed by a "conservative" is not even given the
> time of day. "Politically Incorrect" was a prime example of liberal
> media in action. They control the pathetic quotient of the public
> educational system(which is liberal as a result); they push taxes, gun
> control, and anything else that might help to weaken and further enslave
> the middle class.  They are the true cancer of this nation and should be
> eliminated totally from power.  It's time that the people fighting the
> good fight rise up against these corrupt lying hypocrites and get them
> purged from our national structure.

As one poster pointed out, it is not an accident that California's
Finestein is a big proponent of this kind of elitism. Tell the liberals
and the Hollywood elitist to leave our money, guns, and computers alone.

> Now they percieve open source as a threat to their gravy train and they
> know they cannot beat it on technical ground; therefore they are going
> to legislate it out of existence.  Well, they can kiss my a$$; it aint
> going to happen if myself and others of like mind short circuit their
> elitist anti competitive chess game.

Wake up call!!!!!

J. Craig Woods
UNIX/NT Network/System Administration

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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