On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

> daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> >
> >
> > i'm still having a hard time believing that the computing public at large
> > allows businesses like MS to behave in such a way. all it would take is
> > for all the people who are tired of them doing business the way they've
> > been doing it to say so. i think the point would be made loud and clear.
> > otherwise it becomes a situation where people who don't vote have no voice
> > to bitch when things get bad.
> >
> > why don't we start a grass roots campaign to let MS know how we feel about
> > the way they do business. _that_ s is really at the heart of why most of
> > us here on this list don't like them. its got very little to do with the
> > software they write and call an OS, but everything to do with the way they
> > do business.
> >
> > --
> > daRcmaTTeR
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> Darcy luv: One word, Lobbyists.
> M$ Pays enormous amounts *like gobs to the tune of 26$ million IIRC* to
> senators & Such in the US To continue to do their business & get away
> with it.  They pay that so they can't be prosecuted properly & to insure
> that laws aren't written to prevent them from doing said business.
> OK more than one word... shoot me :)

true...but we're the ones that put those "people" in office and we can
just as easily put them out of office as well. one man/woman, one vote and
the next thing ya know no more M$ butt-kissin lackies. know what I mean?

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

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