On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Jason Guidry wrote:

> sorry guys, I only sent this to tim earlier.  read on below...
> Tim Holmes wrote:
>  >I completely agree.
>  >Why is it permittied that M$ basically strong arms a vendor into
>  >installing Windows on a new computer, but an organization that freely
>  >gives away machines so today's youth can futher themselves by becoming
>  >familiar with technology, is out of the question.  All because that
>  >computer uses a rival, competitor's OS.
> Hey guys, just to clarify, these guys were giving away 10 celeron CPUs
> and 1 Xeon CPU per school and the school provided the rest (Mobo, mem,
> case, etc) for a server and 10 X terminals using the K12's distro.
> Last week i think MS decided that they weren't confident about the
> schools WINDOWS COMPUTERS and wanted an audit of as computers running
> WINDOWS OS for pirated software.  They said either perform and audit in
> a month, give us half a million, or pay for _US_ (MS) to do an audit.
> just asking for a school to audit their software is not a bad thing.
> schools need to follow the law.  but it's (at a minimum) plain wrong to
> demand $500,000 if they can't do it in a month.  how do you spell
> 'extortion'?
> it is supposed to be just a coincidence that this is the same isd that
> is supposed to deploy linux soon (not by next month).  ya know, if MS
> had multi-user permissions in 95, 98 etc, maybe they wouldn't have to
> worry about students installing pirated software on the computers.
> yes, I know, xp has multi user stuff...maybe that's what the .5 mil is for.
> maybe this is why my ISD didn't budge on this, they didn't want an audit.

that spelling certainly works for me! be damned if you or I could get away
with anything like that and not get put in jail.

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

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