On Sat, 07 Sep 2002 12:22:05 +0200 Olaf Marzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I always bought 360k disks and formatted as 720kb!
> It was useful because you can copy 3.5" 720kb disks into those old 
> pizzas... (5.25").

Due to remote access problems and Earthlink/Mindspring blocking SMTP port,
I was off-list for a while (details at

I haven't checked the archives; but here's some old stuff:

- IBM 407:  programming done on a plugboard; complexity was measured by
how much the plugboard weighed.
- IBM 026/029 card punches:  programmable drum for fast data entry
- Sorter: did 1/4 million card passes one weekend -- many jams :^P
- IBM 1401(?): tube computer -- 2 used in NORAD (North Bay, ON) -- room
temp. would reach 150F in 2 minutes if A/C failed; used a wall (approx
5'x10-15' IIRC) of neon bulbs to display status -- dumping core consisted
of a Polaroid picture.  Drum memory (drum approx 2' in diameter and 2'
high) had 90MPH surface speed.

IBM 360/67:  first VM machine AFAIK

Interdata:  one of the first non-DEC machines to run UNIX, IIRC

I still have my bamboo-core slide rule.


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