Hi Pierre,

> > Networking gurus, your knowledge is desperately needed...
> >
> > I have my Mdk8.2 box setup on our corporate network with a static IP.
> > Call it mybox.foo.com. I have a laptop running Win2K that lives on our
> > wireless LAN and uses a DHCP-allocated IP and lives in a subnet. Call
> > it laptop.dhcp.foo.com. The trouble is that unless I first ping the
> > laptop from mybox, I cannot reach mybox from the laptop. More
> > problematically, if I leave an ssh connection from the laptop to mybox
> > idle for more than say 5 minutes the connection dies. If I reboot into
> > Win2K on mybox I don't have to ping first to allow the laptop to
> > connect and connections once made continue to work for as long as you
> > like. It just works.
> >
> > Our LAN admin, who clearly knows much more about Windows, is pointing
> > the finger at the OS since he isn't required to support Linux. Our
> > network has a bunch of VLANs in it, the details to which I am not
> > privy but if there's something that might be relevant I can ask him
> > about it. On the other hand, if anyone understands what's going on
> > here that has to do with how I've got mybox configured I would really
> > love to know. Just to be clear, I'm not running any firewalls or
> > anything, no iptables, ipchains, etc. I am running NFS, Samba, ssh,
> > and proftpd.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any and all thoughts,
> >
> > ::mark
> Mark,
> Ping first generates an ARP (broadcast) packet...  long story short,
> sounds like the VLAN is expiring the "this MAC address is on that port"
> entry in its table, then failing to "flood" packets for which there is
> no such entry (bug in VLAN)...  your network _guru_ should be able to
> take it from here...

This seems plausible but it seems like it should give the same results in
Win2K. Or maybe there's something else that MS is doing to preserve the ARP
cache entry that Linux isn't?

By the way, I had originally claimed that I wasn't running any firewalls or
packet filtering software. I should clarify that by saying that I don't have
either of the iptables or ipchains rpm's installed and don't see anything
else firewall-ish running in any of my services config files. There is
still, of course, msec which is currently set to it's lowest level of
security. My impression was that it didn't handle firewall duty, at least
not at its lowest level. True?

> ssh:  I've been having problems for quite some time where ssh just hangs
> for anywhere between 30 seconds and many minutes...  I only see this
> problem on a dialup connection -- 4 different remote machines, modem
> connected to the net talking to a DSL connected host...  the common
> denominator seems to be the sshd server -- no data queued according to
> netstat -- other ssh sessions between the same boxes are fine while one
> (or more) is hung...  waiting eventually recovers the session(s).


> So, you may have to do more digging to make sure which problem(s) is/are
> affecting you...
> HTH,
> Pierre

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