Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Last year, my telco lowered its DSL rates by $10/mo; all of those savings
> went into the Mandrake Club.  This time, since it looks like I may have to
> shell out for a new writer*, whatever money is spent on it due to
> Mandrake's choice of ISO size will impact my Club level...  
> * unfortunately, if the specs are still at 650MB, then any product is
> still a risky choice.

CD technology has always been hard to keep up with.   A new drive is 
probably only good for 6 months.   And now we have obsolescence of 
record speed x 2, so what do we do with those earlier x2 CD-RW blanks we 
all have?   My Plextor 40/12/40 won't write them (cdrecord changes a 
speed=2 request to speed=4) but my Sony 10/4/32 will.   I will have to 
use the x2 blanks for giveaway software, since everyone with multiread 
capability (what happened to that organisation and logo?) should be able 
to read them.

It's a difficult situation, but optical technology, while having 
enormous potential, is far from stable and mature - and we have another 
generstion of incompatibilities (ie more expense on drives) among 
optical devices ahead of us as DVDs and DVD writers emerge and CDs 
become entirely obsolete (very soon now, I think).   So you have to 
kind-of wait - there is always something better around the corner. 
Prices have been dropping, but even so, the drive makers must be really 
raking in the dough.

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
    troels... now updated to use sunet.se server.
    See:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/ronst/

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