
./MakeCD (no arguments) shows these options:

--disc_building_tries <maximum number of iteration to build correct ISO
Set the number of iterations when trying to adjust ISO size
--discsize <disc size in bytes>
Select a custom disc size (default 681000000).

So try these, but you may get 4 disks instead of 3 <g>. Mandrake deemed 4 to be an unacceptable number. Your ISO images made this way will include the RPMs dropped from the Mandrake ISOs to reduce space.

There maybe a firmware upgrade for your drive - check on the web with good old google. The Acer 6206 may be a rebadged someone else's drive (look carefully all over it, inside and out). There are not that many original drive creators, the rest just rebadge. Same with CD-RW blanks.

Pierre Fortin wrote:
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 07:22:09 -0400 Randy Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I bought an Acer 6206 CD burner several years ago (the manufactured date

on my drive is November, 1998). At the time, it came with Easy CD-Creator version 3.something and would only burn up to 650 MB CDs. Later, Easy CD-Creator version 3.5b (IIRC) came out and allowed that same drive to burn 700 MB CDs.
If your drive was manufactured since around that time, I'd dig a little deeper -- maybe all you need is some sort of software upgrade or setting.

Hi Randy,

As to any s/w that runs on M$, my web pages include the following:
"This is a Micro$oft-free site -- one Windows-induced heart attack in 1998
was enough!"

This means there is NO way I will ever use M$ or applications that run
only on M$; let alone help any of my family/friends -- I've converted
several to Linux and they are quite happy now with Mandrake 8.2 and my
support efforts have dwindled to a trickle...

My burner is HP7550i which HP's website
ml) claims is 80 minute capable. The common denominators are:
- cdrecord is not doing something right with this drive since it doesn't
notice the laser is not turned on
- the drive may actually be capable to only 78:30 minutes according to
some rare posts

The problem is that unless HP are lying and actually have the firmware
know not to turn on the laser on a "larger than N" burn, the odds are that
any fix will have to come in cdrecord...

I have a convinced a 59-year young friend who is getting a computer for
the first time to learn the right way... her WalMart computer with LM8.2
installed has just shipped -- I was hoping to install LM9.0 and use that
as the starting point...

My point is that when Mandrake chose to create >650MB ISOs, they put a lot
of users in the lurch... For the price of blank CD (a cost each of us can
easily eat), here are the impacts just from my perspective:
- research, locate, possibly purchase new writer
- delay keeping my new Linux converts happy
- training new user on 8.2 unnecessarily
- time lost researching feasability of re-organizing ISOs to write on
650MB media (optional)
- consider waiting for 9.1
- consider finding an alternate distro (not likely -- dumped RH for poor
desktop support in '99)

There are enough issues to overcome just winning and keeping new Linux
converts without shoving sticks into their wheel-spokes... This was not a
very business-savvy decision at Mandrake, IMO...

My converts are in Canada, NC and SC; so this impacts my ability to keep
these users up-to-date since I can't burn the CDs for them -- once they
are completely comfortable with their move away from M$, I can have them
purchase their distros directly. Until then, I am the one on the hook for
keeping these new Linux users happy with their choice... and my budget
includes Club membership; but this release may impact my Club
contributions and whether I have to wait for 9.1
Although I do visit my family/friends occasionally, coinciding visits with
new releases is NOT in my plans.

Hoping Mdk does not repeat this mistake in the next release... cuz I'm
not comfortable that any new burner I buy would work any better --
although HP claims my burner will burn 80 minute CDs, either the burner or
cdrecord won't do it...

Those are my thoughts on the issue -- sorry I was late to this discussion;
but I had a marriage to attend... mine!

I'd love to hear Mandrake's reasoning for releasing the ISOs in 728334336,
733544448 and 478511104 sizes...



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