On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 11:09, Praedor Tempus Atrebates wrote:

> Guys, PLEASE!  Uncalled for, ugly, and way too knee-jerk U.S.A.-conservative.

Oh but there's been absolutely no leftist socialist knee jerking here,
has there?  Not getting too hot for you, is it, praedor?

> Let's please cut the personal name-calling.  

Except when it comes to people that are not here, like the President of
the United States.  Better to talk in insults about people when they
can't respond or see your emails directly, eh?

> Just stick to discussing Bush's 
> lack of any real education and utter lack of curiosity about anything of 
> which he is ignorant (this last part about utter lack of curiosity is cribbed 
> from a newspaper article appearing in a local Indiana paper about a week ago 
> - - the words are from a CONSERVATIVE journalist who spent time at the White 
> House with Bush and friends for a while...can't recall his name right now).

Or we could discuss your utter lack of talent or principle when it comes
to judging Presidents, or the utter lack of principle when it comes to
leftist socialists in general.

> Oh for the days when we had a President who actually read BOOKS (comics, 
> sports pages from newspapers don't count - nor do the stock market pages).  

I reckon you were sleeping beside him every night as he was being raised
from a child, since you act like his evil twin brother.


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