On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 02:55:34PM +0100, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> When did Mr. Schroeder say something like "the German way"? And when
> did he say something that makes you look back to the Nazi era? It
> would be a déjà-vu if he'd side up with Mr. Bush. The we'd really be
> concerned.
Your chancellors quote was printed in at least three of the
publications I read daily, the washington post, the new york times
and the guardian (uk). More than likely in the london financial
times as well. Perhaps it just wasn't allowed to appear in the
german press?

> BTW: What doo you think is the German way of today? From your
> statement I doubt that you have any clue.
In all honesty, I only spend a few weeks a year now in germany as
opposed to the 1970's when I spent perhaps 3 months out of the year
there. My opinions are formed as are most everyones...by what we
read and from what friends in other countries convey to us. Call
that clueless if you like.

> So that USA would not have to pay their debts to the UN? A dept which
> is quite as large as some 3rd world country's debt with the BIG 7.
Oh no, I want to pay the debt and leave with a clean slate and be
done with any associations with europe.

> So USA leaves NATO, so what? I think USA would suffer more than Europe
> from that. Meanwhile most NATO tasks are fulfilled by European
> soldiers because USA has already drawn nost of their military our of
> the current NATO involvements. And guess who is the country with the
> highest financial support of NATO? Read it on the NATO sites.
And why shouldn't a european country shoulder the burden of
defending itself? Provide its own soldiers, etc? I just personally
believe that NATO isn't a viable option for the US or the UK.
For the US inparticular in light of the rabid anti-americanism
there. It costs a lot of money to keep troops stationed on foreign
soil, plus it pumps a lot of money into countries that dispise you

> Not on the Anti-Americanism but on the Anti-War issue. That is a big
> difference! Although I must confess that since Mr. Bush lives in the
> White House we may have developped some resentments.
Look, that is the old bait and switch. Every major newspaper in the
_world_ carried this story for at least the last week of the german
election. I could swear it was mentioned about the same time one of
the german politicians compared Bush to Hitler, but then again I
might be mistaken.

> Since WWII Germany has a very strong feeling against any military
> involvement.
I think this is a matter of convenience and I feel one day in the
not to distant future given the latest franco-german manipulation of
the european union I will be proven right.

> Last polls in USA show that nearly half of the American people don't
> want war against Iraq in any case. In Germany our chancellor wouldn't
> get away with doing something like that without a large majority on
> his side. And he'd never get that majority.
History is full of things you can't imagine people actually were bad
enough to do.
Dallam Wych               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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