On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 16:19, Franki wrote:
> That is an awesom application...
> I just checed it out...
> Only two things I can think of that it needs for use over here..
> 1. MySQL support..

It's just so easy to add postgres to your system..  that it should not
be a problem that it does not support MySQL

> 2. Australian GST support..

I am Australian and I do use SQL-Ledger to support our needs in
calculating the GST, It's actually excellent for the AUD GST

> I am going to have a read thought the code and see if I can't provide those
> requirements..

There has been some talk about MySQL on the SQL-Ledger mailing list..  I
wouldn't bother..   

> In theory, if its using DBI to access DB, then it should be possible, unless
> they are using stuff specific to Pg.
> The GST is another whole ballgame, My Girlfriend is a Bookkeeper, so if she
> can make me understand what is required for Aust GST.. then I will see if I
> can do it..

Check out http://www.minnesota.com/~tom/sql-ledger/howtos/ it may help
you....  with your answers with GST and MySQL questions
> I am really excited, sql-ledger is an application I have been thinking about
> writing for ages.. didn't know someone already had.

Yes they have and it's mature now..  well debugged and tested


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