On 25 Feb 2003, Jack Coates wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 11:53, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> ...
> > >
> > > All the distros release the source code.
> > > I still think a show of community support could take that, and compile
> > > processor specific versions...  ;)
> > 
> > And I think that this would be nonsense. Maybe the kernel and Multimedia apps 
> > should be recompiled but thats it. How important is a athlon-xp optimized 
> > 'ls' ? What is so athlon-xp specific beside the special instruction sets ? 
> > Which app makes really use of it ? For ix86-64 it is totally understandable, 
> > but athlon-xp ?
> naw d00d, it'd be so l33t!!! My ls can run .0000233344 nano-seconds
> faster than yours on alternate Tuesdays!!!!
> Of course, I don't want to actually have to recompile myself, it'd be
> easier if someone else did it for me. After all, other people have so
> much more time and equipment than me.

If you want something optimized to the n-th degree for your system, you 
should be running Gentoo.

Of course, that requires learning how to boot strap your machine, a fast 
processor and a fast pipe.  (As well as a good understanding of how Linux 
works.)  Not for the faint of heart.

But this is a Mandrake list...

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